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VU Stories
Alumni Stories
CO2 Compensation by fossil fuel industry exposed as hot air
Marjolein de Jong
27 November 2023
Oil companies compensating for their emissions? „Nonsense!", says Mathieu Blondeel. „It's like buying their souls a ticket to climate heaven."
Racism in elderly care: an overlooked problem
Marjolein de Jong
27 November 2023
According to Saskia Duijs, racism in the workplace is an overlooked issue. „The harm is concealed in the silence of white colleagues and supervisors."
Writer Joke J. Hermsen on nostalgia: 'We all long for a lost time.'
Marjolein de Jong
27 November 2023
For Joke J. Hermsen, studying at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam felt like being reborn. „I came home to myself.”
Alumni Stories
'I have often had to fight against the label 'refugee''
Marjolein de Jong
20 November 2023
Wahhab Hassoo, who fled from Iraq, reached VU Amsterdam through vocational education. Now, he's on the list for parliamentary elections.
Alumni Stories
‘Sports are like a magnifying glass for social issues’
Marjolein de Jong
15 May 2023
There is rampant discrimination in sports, yet we believe it to be justified, argues Marjan Olfers, professor of Sports and Law at VU Amsterdam.
‘The West will have to run just to keep up with countries like China’
Marjolein de Jong
12 May 2023
Philosopher and political scientist Haroon Sheikh explores the intersection between new technologies such as AI and changing global relations.
‘Love helps humankind survive’
Marjolein de Jong
10 February 2023
From an evolutionary point of view, there is a lot left to be said about love, according to Professor of Evolutionary Psychology Mark van Vugt.
Availability of university admission essential for refugees
Marjolein de Jong
8 November 2022
Halleh Ghorashi fled to the Netherlands from Iran in the 1980s and became professor of diversity and integration at VU Amsterdam.
‘I write to deal with life’
Marjolein de Jong
8 November 2022
This academic year, Gustaaf Peek will be taking on the role of Vrije Schrijver (Writer in Residence) at VU Amsterdam. How does he view this role?
‘People’s faith may change, but they don’t become unbelievers’
Marjolein de Jong
8 November 2022
Professor André van der Braak does research into the fact that it is becoming more normal to combine religions, something he does in practice too.
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