Discipline and Function

'Kickboxing is no longer the sport of the criminal underbelly'

1 July 2024
Frank van Gemert, a criminologist at VU Amsterdam, not only researches kickboxing but also trains weekly in the gym.

From Vocational Training to PhD: 'Being underestimated serves as fuel'

Marjolein de Jong4 March 2024
Sara Ben Hmido is far from following a standard career path: after starting in vocational training, she quickly climbed to pre-university education.

Suddenly you know: you're becoming a teacher

Redactie VU Magazine27 November 2023
Faye Best (29) radically changed her career: from working in sustainability to becoming a maths teacher. „I haven't regretted a single day.”

'I have often had to fight against the label 'refugee''

Marjolein de Jong20 November 2023
Wahhab Hassoo, who fled from Iraq, reached VU Amsterdam through vocational education. Now, he's on the list for parliamentary elections.

‘More and more people will fall in love with chatbots’

Marjolein de Jong10 February 2023
According to Assistant Professor of philosophy Lisa Bastian, our norms as to what constitutes a good relationship are due a good shake-up.

Like father, like son: ‘I tried to keep him away from political science’

Marjolein de Jong10 February 2023
A double interview with former Member of Parliament Joël Voordewind and his son Manuel. Both men studied political science at VU Amsterdam.

‘Companies are barely thinking about the impact of technology on society’

Marjolein de Jong21 December 2022
Gerard de Graaf works in Silicon Valley on behalf of the EU, in order to ensure that major tech companies comply with European digital rules.

‘We women need to help each other take the next step’

Marjolein de Jong8 November 2022
Marceline Tutu van Furth and her wife, Anglican priest Mpho Tutu van Furth, have launched an online platform #ITOO.

101-year-old VU Amsterdam alumnus: ‘I recently resigned from my last post’

Marjolein de Jong8 November 2022
VU Amsterdam alumnus Lambertus Zijp (101) spent World War II in hiding and studying law from his safe house.

‘Investing in yourself means investing in more job satisfaction’

Marjolein de Jong8 November 2022
Govert Buijs advocates for less education early in life and more room for retraining and career switches later in life.