
Three remarkable anecdotes about the VU

Marjolein de Jong20 October 2020
Three people that have made the VU’s history their life’s work elaborate on their favorite interesting anecdotes.

‘Invest now in digital skills for the elderly’

Omayra Mac Donald8 April 2020
The far-reaching government measures for the coronavirus outbreak are making personal contact very difficult for elderly. How can we contribute?

Back to the origins of eroticism? Sexperiment!

Marjolein de Jong17 December 2019
We seem to have a limited view of what sexuality is, according to philosopher Ype de Boer.

'I traded business for television'

Marjolein de Jong30 October 2019
Sandra Ysbrandy had worked her way up the ladder at Rabobank, however she decided to set a radical new course for her career.

How theologian Gerko lost his faith

Marjolein de Jong5 October 2019
Gerko Tempelman attended the Vrije Universiteit to get a degree in theology, but lost his faith along the way.

Susanne makes a living handling death

Marjolein de Jong5 September 2019
Susanne Duijvestein decided to make a radical career change and became a funeral director. Her mission? To change the world of funeral service.

The amateur archaeologist’s online museum

Marjolein de Jong26 August 2019
Up until recently, archaeological finds made by hobbyist archaeologists would mostly lay around collecting dust in people’s attics.

'I didn't want to be the token Moroccan'

Marjolein de Jong14 August 2019
Mustapha Abdellati, the only partner of Moroccan descant working for E&Y Nederland, is putting effort into creating greater workplace diversity.

'I was pelted with tomatoes at a hearing once'

Marjolein de Jong19 March 2019
Marry de Gaay Fortman is a partner at Houthoff and recently wrote the book about life at the top.

'I can't choose between Van Gogh and Mesdag'

Marjolein de Jong19 March 2019
Rense Suijver has worked for the Van Gogh Museum for a decade and recently became the curator of The Mesdag Collection in The Hague.