Foto: Peter Valckx

Berno Bucker developed an app that supports aesthetic choices: 'It's not an Instagram filter.'

Marjolein de Jong27 June 2024

Especially in an age where beauty can be manufactured, it is becoming increasingly normal to have aesthetic procedures done. This increase goes hand in hand with a five-fold growth in the number of cosmetic and aesthetic clinics in the Netherlands. 

This trend is particularly notable for the director of the Demonstrator Lab at VU Amsterdam, Berno Bucker. In addition to his role at VU, he is the co-founder of RealFaceValue, an innovative platform for aesthetic doctors and clients that uses AI to improve choices regarding aesthetic treatments.

What exactly is RealFaceValue?  

'With RealFaceValue, we currently have two applications, literally apps on a tablet, but I envision it as a platform in the future that supports people in making cosmetic decisions. Right now, we only offer the apps to doctors and clinics; not directly to consumers. This is not an Instagram filter you can play with at home. Doctors and clinics can use our app as a tool to complement their own professional expertise.'

„This is not an Instagram filter you can play with at home."

What does the RealFaceValue application look like and what does it do?  

'We showcase different treatments and simulate them on the client’s face using generative AI. It works like ChatGPT, but for facial images. One of our goals is to help a client with expectation management. Additionally, we provide information about treatments and show how these treatments affect a person’s appearance.' 

What do people often want to change about their faces?  

'Many people come in with a desire for a specific treatment, like Botox for their frown lines, because their friends have it too. However, there is also a significant number of people who come in with a social question about their appearance. For example: "I want to look less sad" or "I want a more energetic look." This is often because there is a mismatch between how clients feel and what their outward appearance suggests. Our app helps them see how different treatments can enhance their appearance and what treatments suit them best. This way, clients are generally more satisfied with the outcome of their treatment and the impact it has on their interactions with others. In other words, it helps bring the inner and outer experience of a person closer together.'

„Our app works just like ChatGPT, but for images of faces."

What are the differences in approach between doctors and clients when it comes to cosmetic changes to the face?   

'Doctors are trained to diagnose problems, so cosmetic doctors often have an anatomical approach. For example, they might notice that one eyebrow is a millimetre higher than the other. However, research shows that clients’ treatment goals often go beyond mere anatomical improvements. People often seek a boost in self-confidence, a friendlier appearance, or to eliminate a downcast expression. In other words, someone who always looks tired might be looking for a fresher, more cheerful look.'

Your slogan is Beyond Beauty. Can you explain what this means for a platform that is so focused on appearance?  

'Beyond Beauty is our slogan because we want to bring people's appearance and inner self closer together. Right now, much of the focus is on looking more beautiful and younger, but we hope that our platform can offer a different perspective. Namely, how can a cosmetic procedure help you feel your best? By combining various apps and information streams, we can inform and guide both the doctor and the client (and even concerned parents) through this process. Cosmetic procedures are here to stay. We want to guide this trend in a positive direction by informing people about their options, along with some expectation management.'

„Cosmetic procedures are here to stay [and] we want to guide this trend in a positive direction by informing people about their options, along with some expectation management."

How do you try to raise your own children in a world with increasing demand for cosmetic procedures?  

'As a father of three daughters and an entrepreneur in RealFaceValue, this question naturally concerns me. I think it's important that my daughters are well-informed and free to make their own choices. It's okay to make mistakes, but you should know the consequences. A facelift cannot be undone, and although injectables like Botox and fillers are less invasive, you are still injecting something into your body. You could say the same about a tattoo. I want them to understand the potential long-term effects and make informed decisions. Ultimately, when they turn 18, the choice is theirs, but I hope they will handle the influences of social media and their friends' opinions wisely.'

Where do you hope RealFaceValue will be in 10 years?  

'It would be great if, in a few years, we could be a platform not just for doctors, but also directly accessible to consumers. Additionally, in my role as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), I hope that through scientific research, we will better understand consumer decision-making and the effects of treatments on appearance and individual well-being. Ultimately, I am an entrepreneur in technology and innovation. And with the rapid developments in AI, which is the foundation of RealFaceValue, I hope we will continue to grow and become more well-known while maintaining this scientific basis.'